Dec 16, 2011

Spring Cleaning in December?

The weather here in South Carolina has been so unseasonably warm.It was beautiful today. My friend who is also our mail carrier came by with packages today and said, "Dolly, are you having open house?" I told him no that I was cleaning had too many dust bunnies....t felt so good with the doors and windows open

I like to rotate the sofa cushions. Sort of like rotating tires on an auto. It does prolong the life of a chair or sofa. Do you do that?

Rotating, Cleaning, Clearing Furniture

Do This Monthly

Start with supplies
Clean Broom
Cleaning Cloth

You may need:
Upholstery cleaner
Steam Cleaner Machine or
Bowl of water

Remember the direction you pull cushions from furniture, turning to the bottom side front.  Sit aside and sweep/wipe the sofa to clean and clear any debris that has collected under those cushions.  Clean wipe if needed

Clean the cushions and move one down from where it was on sofa and love seats.  This will even out the wear and tear as people tend to sit in one spot.  In time that will cause one spot to wear out quicker.

Not what you think, I am not name dropping.
Just cleaning the sofas and carpets.
Made in USA love it.....

Everyone that sits on the down filled sofa falls asleep.
It is so comfortable!
An afghan, a cup of hot cocoa and a book
 in front of the fire on a cold Winter's night.

It still has a little chenille left.   I don't know how but it does.

I really like this mirror, it gives the illusion of a much larger room.
That is a good thing because this room  is very small.

This butter sofa is also very comfortable
It doesn't look it but it is.

Made in America

The color on this chair is called raisin
It is also comfortable
plush and warm

I found these pillows at an antique store that I love.

Our tiny fireplace, but it does heat the room.

Chuck says this girl freaks him out a little.
She stares at you no matter where you are.
I find her intriguing.  One of his aunts thought she was me.

Title: The Story Book
Artist:  William Adolphe Bouquereau

Until next time,


  1. The color of that chair is brorange.

  2. Gosh, I rotate my cushions at least once a week, and my cleaning regiment is much like yours.... This year I am installing an outside clothes hanging device (need to find one!) I sure those those T-Post ones I grew up with. Oh, that picture can be scary in the dark!

    1. Hi there, I do it more than once a year myself, truthfully I do it about once a month. I'm slacker than you...wish I wasn't. I need to replace my clothes line the kids think it is a bungee jump ride..It is drooping half way to the ground!...Good to hear from you!
